
My Experience

Before, I worked in many different fields. For many years I was a successful financial advisor, specializing in mortgages. Later I worked for GREMI Media, which runs the biggest daily journal in Poland, where my tasks included sales, event organization and project management.

This experience allowed me to see how business is done at its core, as well as learn how to manage a team of people and coordinate relations with other entities. My job was to achieve results, and achieve them I did, even if at times by pure strength of will – media can be a difficult industry. I have experience getting people with conflicting ideas into a room and pulling them towards an end result despite their squabbles. My approach is practical – you either do something or not, and there are no excuses.

Now I’m applying the same skills I have learned over the years; this time not to serve another’s goals, but to create something worthwhile on my own. I hope you will join me as my projects flourish and my network unfolds. One thing you can be sure of. The time for uncertainty has ended. Time of action has begun.